Eating For Energy

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Birthday Party Awkwardness

For the first time since “Going Vegan” my kids and I had to experience a birthday party full of party food, cake and pizza. It was much easier for the kids than it was for me. Trevor and I agreed to allow the kids to still experience the normal routine with their food and birthday parties etc. as we slowly “wean” them off of these everyday “old ways” foods.  We feel this may take a few months to a year.
I had to explain to the host why I didn’t want to eat their pizza, cake and all the other party food they had provided.  They had Cheese pizza and I was almost tempted to eat a slice.  I love pizza and was afraid I would offend the host if I didn’t indulge.  I felt a little uncomfortable.
Still I held out for our Indian dinner Trevor was preparing at home.  Trader Joes Indian Fare Vegetable Biryani and Punjab choley with Chickpeas.  We completed the meal with Naan Bread, not quite vegan I know.  Our meal was one of the best Indian meals we have ever tasted and we didn’t feel heavy or sluggish afterwards.
Have you had any uncomfortable moments?  How do you deal with other people’s non-vegan offerings?

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