Eating For Energy

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Ever start your day knowing you have absolutely no time and you can see the day gone already? That was today. From start to finish! I am learning very quickly what a “new routine” can bring! A.K.A. CRAZINESS!!
We have all 3 kids in their year round schools now, Skylar is in her new year round Charter School in one town 20 mins plus away from home and Britain and Luke are in their year round school as well 10 mins away in our home town. This sounds simple, not a lot of time in between but add that to traffic and carpool lines and we are talking a full hour from leaving our house to dropping all of them off “on time” and getting back to our home a full hour plus later!!  All the planning in the world still doesn’t make your day go as smoothly as possible. J
So breakfast being the first and most important meal of the day needs to be planned efficiently as well. With only having 45 mins to get the kids up and ready and fed and out the door, there is not much wiggle room. I’d get them up earlier than 6 am but that in my opinion is pushing it and not allowing my kids to have a full night’s sleep and to be as productive as possible in school. So when our waffles run out, we need to be more “vegan” in our breakfast choices. My new found fav is oatmeal with craisins and Agave!! I am seriously CRASINS’ about craisins! Ha HA
Luckily Sky and Britain are more willing to try the oatmeal and enjoy it than Luke. But I think if he gives it a try he’ll really enjoy it. This could take month or a year! Let’s just be honest!!  So as you can see your day pass by in a blink before it’s even started, making vegan snacks and dinner choices have to be easy, tasty and quick!!  So that is why I chose to make wheat penne pasta, marinara sauce and Trader Joe’s Meat-less Meatballs! A.k.a Spaghetti and meatballs with penne pasta!  This was a very easily prepared meal, very tasty and filling. The kids needed a filling dinner for their last swim meet tonight! They were going to be swimming for almost 5 hours and I needed food in them that would suffice and sustain!  Those meat-less meatballs are the bomb and I would recommend them highly!! All of my kids (besides picky Luke) liked them. I loved them and thought they tasted better than the Turkey meatballs we switched two years ago.
Wheat Pasta, Marinara Sauce and Meat-less Meatballs is such a great meal, easy and very effective in keeping us all healthy and full. What’s especially cool is you can double up the amounts and have left over’s (my personal fav) for the next day or another day in the week. With a crazy lifestyle as we and most people have these days; “Going Vegan” and sustaining a vegan lifestyle needs to be as easy as possible. Planning your weeks’ worth of a menu is the one of the more productive ways we try to be in this family .Of course that is out the window right now as we are just learning so much and changing so much all at the same time!!

How do you keep your “vegan” diet going on when you are bombarded with crazy sport schedules and just life in general?

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