Luke’s 2nd grade class was having a camping party in class and going to make smores! I volunteered to help with the camping party. Luke’s teacher played her sound machine for the “woods, cricket effect”, made a fire in the center of the room with a fake fire machine and had the kids create paper logs. They also got to watch/listen to cool books on the computer that come to life as they are read to you.
Before the smores were ready, all the kids who brought their lunch in from home had to dig in while the kids who were buying lunch had to go to the cafeteria to collect their lunches. It was a half a day at school so all the kids were required to eat in the class room.
As the kids started to collect and sit down to open their lunch boxes; they would walk past Luke’s desk. Two very cute little girls; Lauren and Sarah, came right up to Luke’s desk and commented on his lunch. Lauren said “wow, cool Luke you have Rice Cakes! They are my favorite.” Sarah said “popcorn too, you are so lucky!” Luke said “Yes, my Mom makes our popcorn homemade. Cool the girls said!
Luke then turned to me and said “Mommy, I didn’t want to eat the rice cakes as they look yucky, but now I want to try them.” It was the first time Trevor and I bought the kids rice cakes to make their lunch more healthier/vegan. Luke then bite into a rice cake which was only flavored with sea salt. I didn’t expect what I heard next. Luke said “wow, Mommy this tastes like Cotton Candy! Then he swallowed and then said “but now it tastes like nothing!” I said “do you still like them though?” He said yes, and kept eating.
What a huge breakthrough with our pickiest eater! “Going Vegan” here we come! ;)
How long did it take you to introduce new vegan foods and have your kids really like them? What reactions did you receive from their “first bite”?
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