Eating For Energy

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Beer Night and Blogging

Tonight is a fun night for both my husband and I. Once per month he attends our neighborhoods Beer Club. It’s in our local Rec Center and he has a great time walking up to the Rec Center to meet up with friends old and new. Trevor gets to socialize and tastes some newly brewed beer! It’s a wonderful way for a guy to have a GNO (guys night out!). The best part its’ literally a 15 min walk to the Rec Center and after a few beer tastings he can walk it off; literally coming home.
For me it means I have the kids in bed and I can focus on what I want to do. I am caught up writing this blog but I am not caught up posting it! So tonight I plan on posting the rest of my blogs to today’s date and announcing it to my Facebook friends and emailing it to my family and friends. I'd also love for Alicia Silvestone to introduce our blog on her The Kind Life website/blog. 
I am loving the changes, the learning curve to become a "pro" at being  a vegan. It’s a journey not a destination and it’s been very cool and adventurous so far! I will love reading my blog in a year compared to us “Going Vegan” and through the motions to eating right and balanced as vegans and see how our kids have experienced this journey as well!  This weekend we plan on adding Video and pictures to the blog. So please come back and check it out! We'll be introducing us via video. We also plan on videoing the kids cooking "vegan dishes" as well we Trevor and I. We have a lot fantastic ideas for our blog and we hope you have enjoyed reading and taking what you need to help you and  your family "Go Vegan".
Remember our kids read the blog daily.  So please be kind ;)
Do you have your own blog about being a Vegan? Do you check out other Vegan blogs? Any great suggestions?


  1. Hi Kerri! I found your blog tonight and wanted to say congrats on your decision to transition your family to being vegan. It is a beautiful choice!

    I recently made the decision to go vegan and I am very excited. I started my own blog to document my journey and to try and help other beginner vegans...please check it out:

    I have a 6 year old daughter and 12 year old step daughter and look forward to reading your posts on kid friendly vegan meals!

  2. Hi Kena! Thanks so much for finding our blog and liking what you've read! This makes my day! Thank you for your well wishes and right back at you for choosing vegan as well!! Going Vegan is the best decision we've ever made. I wish I had been raised Vegan. I tried to visit your blog but I am not allowed to view it or even read it. You have to enable others to read and comment. Right now I guess it's invitation only? I'd love to read it and comment. I hope you make it apoint to check back in and hopefully we can be of help to one another! Please get back with me to let me know if your blog can be view/commented on etc. I look forward to hearing back from you. Cheers, Kerri
